CXone Chat for Android
This repository consists out of three main modules and three tooling modules, which are described in chapters below.
CXOne Chat SDK
This is the only published module, it is released as android multi-flavor library with maven artifact coordinates com.nice.cxone:chat-core
Adding the dependency
If you want to use published artifact you will have to include our public maven/gradle github repository into your project. For details see Github documentation on using published packages.
In section where you define repositories used in your project (in our case it is settings.gradle) add this part:
def localProperties = new Properties()
try {
} catch (ignored) {
logger.trace("Unable to read")
repositories {
maven {
name = "github-nice-devone-cxone-mobile"
url = ""
credentials {
// Use property key from for local builds or environment variable for CI builds
username = localProperties["github.user"] ?: System.getenv("GPR_USERNAME")
password = localProperties["github.key"] ?: System.getenv("GPR_TOKEN")
Then either add properties github.user
and github.key
to your e.g.:
or set system variables GPR_USERNAME
. You can use any uprivilidged valid token, since the package are public.
Then you can the dependency simply by adding:
implementation "com.nice.cxone:chat-sdk-core:$currentVersion"
Additional information
Visit NICE documentation for more information about CXone Chat and pre-requisites for the SDK.
Current API.
You can also find a simplified example of possible SDK usage in docs/ documentation.
We offer a brief how-to guide for integration docs/
CXone Chat UI
This is a sample implementation of the UI for CXOne Chat SDK, which allows easier integration of SDK into the intended target application.
Chat UI provides these features:
Display the thread list (for multi-thread SDK configuration)
Archive thread
Start a new thread
Display the thread conversation (including implementation for all currently supported message formats)
Send message
Upload attachment
Record & play voice messages
Name the thread (for multi-thread SDK configuration)
Message pagination support
Typing indication & reporting
Filling out of pre-contact form
Display notification about the new message when application is in the background
Sharing of message attachments
Fullscreen previews of images & videos
Store application
This is a mock application that tries to imitate e-store with its purchase flow, so we can also demonstrate an integration of the SDK analytics events like pageView or conversion.
Tooling modules:
The logger module is a minimalistic logging framework used by the chat-sdk-core without any platform-specific code. It is distributed as a java library at the moment.
The maven artifact coordinates are com.nice.cxone:logger
The logger-android module provides the default android-specific implementation of the Logger. Application can provide this instance to the SDK builder if it wishes the SDK to log to the Android platform log output.
The maven artifact coordinates are com.nice.cxone:logger-android
This is an internal module that attempts to resolve some of the issues reported by the strict mode.