
class ProxyLogger(initialLoggers: Iterable<Logger> = emptyList()) : Logger

Logger implementation which calls all registered Loggers when this instance log method is called.



Initial Iterable of loggers to be used by the ProxyLogger.


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constructor(vararg loggers: Logger)

Creates an instance of ProxyLogger using supplied loggers.

constructor(initialLoggers: Iterable<Logger> = emptyList())


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Returns count of currently registered Loggers.

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Returns unmodifiable copy of registered Loggers.


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fun add(logger: Logger)

Add a new logger.

fun add(vararg loggers: Logger)

Add new loggers.

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fun addAll(loggers: Iterable<Logger>)

Add new loggers.

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fun clear()

Remove all loggers.

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fun Logger.debug(message: String, throwable: Throwable? = null)

Calls Logger.log message with Debug level.

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inline fun <T> Logger.duration(body: () -> T): T

Measures the duration it takes to invoke the body. Logs with Verbose level message Started before the invocation and Finished took XYZms after completion.

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fun Logger.error(message: String, throwable: Throwable? = null)

Calls Logger.log message with Error level.

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fun String, throwable: Throwable? = null)

Calls Logger.log message with Info level.

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open override fun log(level: Level, message: String, throwable: Throwable?)

Uses level to determine whether it should be passed to the underlying implementation. Implementations are free to use whichever level they like.

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fun remove(logger: Logger)

Remove given logger.

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fun Logger.verbose(message: String, throwable: Throwable? = null)

Calls Logger.log message with Verbose level.

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fun Logger.warning(message: String, throwable: Throwable? = null)

Calls Logger.log message with Warning level.