Package-level declarations
Authorization for OAuth use-cases. Client should pass the SDK necessary information, so the server can successfully authenticate the user.
Interface used to provide applications a way how to cancel long-running background tasks.
Current chat instance. Client is not limited to a single instance of any given chat. They can create (or rather build) as many instances as they like. They are though advised that creating CONFLICTING (or identical) instances with the same configuration may lead to unexpected consequences.
Handler allowing to listen to popups whenever they are available. You are encouraged to create this instance as soon as possible. It immediately after being created starts to listen to the popup events and keeps the latest one until it's observed.
Definition of builder used to create Chat instance.
Event handler allows for triggering events regarding the overall Chat instance. It has no side effects attached to it and can be created again on demand.
Provides in-one-place interactions to trigger all available events.
Handler permitting to add new fields to the instance it was created from.
ChatRepository owns and maintains the chat object and its state.
Listener for Chat instance state changes. The current main purpose of this listener is to provide callbacks which notify integrating application about chat session connectivity changes.
Event handler allows for triggering events regarding the ChatThread instance it was created for.
Provides in-one-place interactions to trigger all available events.
Instance of a thread handler. This instance will contain the most up-to-date thread, even newer than the thread it was created from.
Manages all the necessary procedures required for service messages. This newly created object influences changes in parent ChatThreadHandler in number of ways. Though it does not modify the parent directly, it can force some events to happen which in-turn update the data.
Instance that allows modification, manipulation and observing of threads.
Mark a class, function, or typealias as public so it is not mangled by proguard.
Configuration for the instance that will be invoked by the ChatBuilder.