, Intl
, Promise
, EventTarget
, CustomEvent
, Date
, crypto
, etc.)npm install @nice-devone/nice-cxone-chat-web-sdk
, channelId
)import ChatSdk, { EnvironmentName, ChatEvent, ChatEventData } from '@nice-devone/nice-cxone-chat-web-sdk';
// Initialize Chat SDK with required options
const sdk = new ChatSdk({
brandId: 123,
channelId: 'my-channel-id',
customerId: 'customer-id',
environment: EnvironmentName.EU1
By default, the SDK will not automatically connect to the server. You need to call the connect()
method to establish a connection.
await sdk.connect()
It will return information about the initialized channel, including feature toggle status, translations, file upload restrictions, theme color settings, and more.
await sdk.getChannelInfo()
It will return the online/offline status information for the current channel.
await sdk.getChannelAvailability()
Get or create a Thread instance:
const thread = await sdk.getThread('thread-id');
// Optionally recover a thread state (messages) from the server
const threadRecoveredData = await thread.recover();
await thread.sendTextMessage('Message text');
thread.onThreadEvent(ChatEvent.MESSAGE_CREATED, (event: CustomEvent<ChatEventData>) => {
if (!isMessageCreatedEvent(event.detail)) {
const message = event.detail.data.message;
const loadMoreMessageResponse = await thread.loadMoreMessages();
await thread.lastMessageSeen();
Livechat channel needs to call startChat()
method first to start the chat.
Customers might end the chat by calling endChat()
await thread.startChat();
Get position in queue:
sdk.onChatEvent(ChatEvent.SET_POSITION_IN_QUEUE, (event) => {
if (isSetPositionInQueuePayload(event.detail)) {
const threads = await sdk.getThreadList();
const metadata = await thread.getMetadata();
await thread.archive();
await thread.setName('New thread name');
await thread.sendAttachments(fileList);
Send typing events. Can be called multiple times, for example on every keypress:
// Optionally call stopTyping() when the user stops typing or leaves
Receive typing events:
// Listen for START and STOP typing events
thread.onThreadEvent(ChatEvent.AGENT_TYPING_STARTED, (event: CustomEvent<ChatEventData>) => {
// Do something with the event
thread.onThreadEvent(ChatEvent.AGENT_TYPING_STOPPED, (event: CustomEvent<ChatEventData>) => {
// Do something with the event
sdk.onChatEvent(ChatEvent.ASSIGNED_AGENT_CHANGED, (event: CustomEvent<ChatEventData>) => {
const agentName = parseAgentName((event.detail.data as AssignedAgentChangedData).inboxAssignee);
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